Sunday, April 2, 2017

Upgraded Thoughts

R.I.P. to the bank robbery idea. To be honest, I never really liked it. It never had much of a path and  was always more of a back up plan. However, we kept focusing on it more and more because time was running out and because we had been getting positive feedback from our classmates.

This weekend, I sat down and dedicated a few hours solely to think. I made sure to rid myself of all distractions and began to watch as many film openings as I could. This is something I have previously done, but this time, I focused more on analyzing the openings without getting caught up in their entertainment. There are two things I noticed. One, we are far from having the skills, money, and technology required to make most of the amazing openings I saw. Two, a good, authentic idea is worth more than the skills, money, and technology we don't have.

I realized that though there are certain rules one should follow, going by a guidebook isn't the key. The openings I saw were amazing because they executed their originality perfectly and efficiently. Each of them was different, and as long as their differences grab attention, most of their job is done.

So instead of following my classmates' feedback word for word, or becoming too obsessed with what we can and can't do, I decided to learn from these things, make adjustments, but ultimately create what I want to create. I consulted with my group before making any major changes. Fortunately, they liked the idea. More details about our new path will be given soon so stay tuned!

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